Launch of Legal Tech Hub Vienna
Legal Tech Hub Vienna board Philipp Kinsky (Partner, Herbst Kinsky), Gudrun Stangl (COO, Schönherr) and Stefan Artner (Partner, Dorda)
The goals of LTH Vienna are: to gain internal efficiency, to digitise existing processes, to analyse and automate new operations, and to develop digital services and new business models.
“The digitalisation of the legal industry involves far more than just the use of IT software. To a certain extent legal tech will revolutionise legal advisory. LTH Vienna wants to foster these ideas and solutions to enable the pcreation of much-needed innovation,” says Stefan Artner, managing partner of Dorda, LTH Vienna initiator and board member. The main geographical scope of LTH Vienna will be Europe, including the CEE region. For the operational implementation of the initiative, LTH Vienna is collaborating with the legal innovation firm Future-Law.
“Partnerships and exchanges for the development of our digital capabilities and services will be increasingly more important. LTH Vienna being launched together by several competitors is what makes this initiative special. We are all joining forces to ensure that the legal industry becomes more efficient and resilient for legal professionals and clients alike,” says Gudrun Stangl, partner & COO at Schoenherr.
Acceleration, Research & Development, Partnerships
Local and international partnerships with interest groups, universities and technical colleges as well as current and future legal hubs are another strong focal point of the initiative. LTH Vienna will also work on developing standards for the legal industry through various academic partnerships as well as research and university projects.
“We all have to work together to ensure that our industry will be resilient in the future. Even technologies which are not common to the legal industry as well as different processes and forms of entrepreneurship can shed new light on our field,” adds Philipp Kinsky, partner at Herbst Kinsky.
Rückfragehinweis: Sophie Martinetz,, +436649747272.
Fotos: Credit: Marlene Rahmann, Abdruck kostenfrei
Über den LTHV:
Die Rechtsanwaltskanzleien DORDA, EISENBERGER & HERZOG, HERBST KINSKY, PHH, SCHÖNHERR, SCWP Schindhelm und WOLF THEISS haben im Oktober 2018 gemeinsam den Legal Tech Hub Vienna (LTHV) ins Leben gerufen. Eine bis dato in dieser Form einzigartige kanzleiübergreifende Initiative von Law Firms. Kernziel des LTHV: Die Rechtsberatungsbranche pro-aktiv, Mandanten-orientiert und innovativ in die digitale Zukunft zu führen. Die Aktivitäten des LTHV umfassen u.a. ein Acceleratorprogramm für Legal Tech Unternehmen, lokale und internationale Kooperationen mit Interessensvertretungen, Universitäten, Fachhochschulen und bestehenden/künftigen Legal Tech
Hubs sowie die Entwicklung von Standards für die gesamte Rechtsbranche über Forschungsaufträge, Diplomarbeiten und Partnerschaften.
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